Archive for the ‘baby guide’ Category

Baby Learning to Communicate

April 16, 2007

Baby Learning to Communicate

They will be months before your baby says its first word. But the babies start to get information about the language much earlier. Even in weeks first after birth, your baby gets information about the language. The very young babies can make the difference between the word and other noises.

They can make the difference between the voices of the men and the voices of the women. They know even the voices of their own mothers. A baby can say the voice of his mother of the voices of other women. The researchers think that the babies can do this because of the specific parts in manner of their work of brains. The babies can also communicate a long time before they speak. They employ movements and noises let you know what they want or do not want. Some refer to the latter as “signals” of a baby.

In this moment, your baby can say to you if it needs something while annoying or while crying. It can also let you know when it likes something or somebody while looking at attentively. The babies learn better how to say to parents what they like or do not like when they start to see that the parents answer them in the positive ways. Even before it can speak, you must speak with your baby.

Though there are differences among individuals, the babies about which the parents speak maintenance earlier to them. They also have greater vocabularies. To speak to the babies gives them the linguistic capacities which will help them to learn more easily when they arrive at the school. The words to hear on the radio or the TV is not very useful for the babies learning the language. Your advantages of baby of having enclose to you to the top the smile, speech and of singing.

Related post: Do You Know the inside of your Baby Brain?, Play with Your Babies, The greatest Effect of Music to Your Baby, The newborn’s senses-wikipedia, Babies are “Talks” Without Words, Talking and playing with Your Babies, Wonders of the brain

Guide Your Baby Every Day

April 11, 2007

The babies learn how by exploring the things around them. To show with your baby how to again look at, listen to, touch or smell something or different. To hold your baby thus it can see things. To help its objects of catch like it socks or a rattle. As it develops, to give him the sure objects to feel, to shake or put in its mouth.
-Be the teacher of your baby. It will see how you react to the things. When you obtain passionnan’ about a toy or object, it will obtain passionnant’ too. As it develops, to show it how things work-for the example, how the doors open and are closed. To speak about what you do. For example, “I put food in the pot to make it cook. ”
-When a baby learns something again, it helps it to test it on several occasions. With your assistance and to support this can be recreation, and your baby will like to test new things.
-protect your baby counters the disapproval, the teasing or the punishment hard. A baby does not include/understand great difficulty. It does not know he is dangerous so that it makes which things. To observe to keep its safe. To remove situations where it can be wounded or wounded.
-speak and sing with your baby. Even before it can speak, this assistance to develop linguistic capacities. The babies learn better when you speak to them. To see with your baby of the first months of his life and to continue this practice as it develops.